AW Academy is an e-learning platform focused on Physical Commodity Trading, Shipping, Trade Finance and all related domains designed by Ampersand World SA.

Learn more about trading today

Aw Academy has been developed by Ampersand World SA recognized as a leading Swiss player in the world of international Commodity Trading. Based on our 10 years expertise of training-by-doing with top-notch professionals in the commodities fields, we can offer you online courses practical and business oriented. It will allow you to get all the ins and outs of each jobs in this industry. Let’s jump into a new world !

At Ampersand World, we highly value your career and your skills. All AW Academy topics are designed to develop your potential and expertise in order to become more attractive to hiring companies.

From Front Office to Operations, Risk Management, Shipping and Trade Finance, Each domain has its specific workshop.

Our e-elearning trading workshops are designed to provide a very precise and “from the field” overview of the different professions composing the exciting world of Commodity Trading.

Courses By Industries

 Metals commodities
Gold, Silver, platinum palladium

 Energies commodities
Oil/Petroleum, Natural Gas/LNG/LPG, Power/Electricity

 Soft commodities
Cotton,Sugar Coffee cocoa…

 Trade finance
Trading, Derivatives, Hedging, Risk Management…


Who are the teachers?

We selected the best speakers among all the experts who make the Commodity Trading World, with one objective: providing valuable trainings to trading professionals, made by people from the field.

Become a speaker

Who has never dreamt of passing on his / her knowledge to the next generation ? Our commodity world is an exciting but fast changing place with significant challenges and there is few moments when you can actually impact the future. Be part of the AW Academy® and join us to pass on the baton.